What is hero lab online
What is hero lab online

what is hero lab online

The T distributes the scripts of this dialogue cut into pieces and asks the students to work in pairs and to re-order the script while listening. They listen to the dialogue for the first time.ģ. Ky-Antre Compton and Stuart Chittenden, his mentor from Big Brothers Big Sisters. – developed, grown up), gonna be = going to be, “you wonna know…” = do you want to know?.Īsks the students to listen to the dialogue between Vocabulary list of the new words for pronunciation practice written on the white-board: mature (syn. The T checks if the students know the meaning of some words and contracted forms used in informal talks. Words on the board: friendly (2 syllables, big circle and a small one: Оо. SS listen to the teacher’s pronunciation of the second and the third words, define the number of syllables and write down the circles to indicate the word stress. The T introduces the system of small and big circles to indicate stressed or unstressed syllables by giving simple examples. Several photos of famous Russian and foreign people: actors, singers, sportsmen, models, etc.ġ. (Maria Sharapova, Natalia Vodyanova, Evgeni Plushenko, Dima Bilan, Oscar Pistorius, etc.).Īnd they also give their ideas about the topic of the lesson. The teacher asks the SS if they guess what the main topic of the lesson is. Warm-upġ.The teacher shows some photos to the students and asks if they recognize any of them and asks the students to say 2-3 sentences about each person. The Review section includes any repeat or review of the main lesson and any homework assigned. The Body section should include all the activities for the main lesson. In the Warm-up section, include any activities that are a review of a previous lesson or preparation for the main lesson. Note: The lesson procedure is divided into three sections, Warm-up, Body, and Review. Lesson procedure (must be written step-by-step and detailed enough so that another teacher can do the lesson easily). Listen to each other’s stories and fill in the table. Listen to the song related to the topic and sing a part of it to practice pronunciation.īrainstorm, discuss and choose some useful adjectives for their further talks. Listen to a dialogue and answer the questions to it. The desks are easily moved in any direction when students change their groups for brainstorming or discussing the topic.Ĭourse goal (overall purpose to which this lesson contributes – this should be short and general): Improving listening and speaking skillsĮxpected student behaviors (briefly and explicitly state what students will do must begin with action verbs behaviors must be observable and measurable behaviors must be measured in the assessment in Part 4): The students face each other: 5 students on the left side and 5 – on the right one.


One computer with a projector and speakers.Ĭlassroom layout and grouping of students (feel free to include a diagram): Materials and handouts: photos of famous Russian and foreign people, cards with brief information about them, a script of the dialogue between a student and his mentor with some questions and an audio file, a song “Hero” on YouTube or downloaded (with lyrics), a characters sheet and traits list from a graphic organizer, a student card with the final task “My personal hero”.Įquipment and technology needed for the lesson: a computer lab with the Internet or Short description of the lesson: The students will listen to a dialogue between a student and his mentor from Big Brothers, listen to the song “Hero” and sing its refrain, brainstorm positive characteristic traits of their heroes and make their short speeches on the topic “A hero in my life”.

what is hero lab online what is hero lab online

Include assessment that is based on measurable and observable behaviorīe complete enough to be shared with other teachers or colleagues (you may need to include handouts, other material, and/or links to online material)Ĭlass (short description of class and students): Access students (from Russia), 10 students, 14-15 years oldĮnglish level of the lesson: Intermediate

what is hero lab online

Have activities that are focused on ONE course goal Include activities you learned or used in our ATDOP course (in one of the teacher-led Skype sessions, conversation group sessions, readings, or self-study activities)īe a complete lesson that can last up to several hours Incorporate one or more activities that are new to you (not used in one of your classes before you took this course) Your name: Svetlana SemenovykhĜountry: Russiaīe for a listening, speaking, or pronunciation lesson (or a combination of these)

What is hero lab online