Tsm 4 desktop
Tsm 4 desktop

tsm 4 desktop
  1. Tsm 4 desktop how to#
  2. Tsm 4 desktop update#

If the TSM date matches the portal date and the following refresh operation fails, contact Tableau Support (Link opens in a new window). To renew your license, visit the Tableau renewal (Link opens in a new window) web page.If the portal does not display the date that you expect, contact Customer Success (Link opens in a new window).Compare the date with the date displayed in the Tableau Customer Portal (Link opens in a new window).You can view the expiration date by following the TSM web interface procedure below, or by running tsm licenses list in the CLI. Verify the expiration date of your license(s). For information about refreshing the maintenance date on Tableau Desktop see Refresh the product key (Link opens in a new window) in the Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Deployment Guide.

Tsm 4 desktop how to#

Note: This topic describes how to refresh the expiration date for Tableau Server, the Server Management Add-on, and the Data Management Add-on. For more information about different product key types and associated licenses, see tsm licenses list.

Tsm 4 desktop update#

After renewing the maintenance, if you aren't using Server ATR, you must refresh the existing product key to update its maintenance expiration date. On the other hand, if the product key is perpetual (legacy) and its maintenance has expired, Tableau will continue to operate but you will not have access to upgrades until the maintenance is renewed. If a subscription (term) product key is not refreshed and has expired, Tableau will stop working and you will have to activate a new product key in the Tableau Customer Portal regardless of whether you are using Server ATR or manual activation methods. The product key will change when the expiration date occurs or shortly thereafter. This can create a mismatch between the product keys listed in the Tableau Customer Portal and those listed in the Tableau Server TSM product key list. If you refresh a subscription (term) product key before the expiration date occurs, the product key will not change but the expiration date will. If you aren't using Server ATR, you can refresh your product keys manually. That's because Server ATR automatically refreshes your product keys for you and updates the product key with the new date that reflects the new expiration dates.

tsm 4 desktop

When using Server ATR, you don't need to refresh your product key(s) when you purchase a new subscription term.

Tsm 4 desktop