Light start and coin buttons based on active player count for the current game.

Flash start buttons when credits are available - this is a MAME only game dependent feature. Blink and speak controls when pausing a game and/or play an LED animation (selected, random, random montage, or specific to each game) or use audio output (music) to animate the LEDs. Blink and speak front-end UI controls by pressing a pre-defined Help button. Use audio output (music or game sounds) to blink, fade, or animate LEDs great for use with Jukebox software. Colors or intensities can also be customized on a game-by-game basis. With RGB LEDs, you can specify colors for individual controls or using a predefined colors.ini file, match the original game control panel button colors. Remapping controls (MaLa, AtomicFE, GameEx, PinballX, HyperSpin, LaunchBox, Maximus Arcade or MAME) will automatically remap the associated LEDs. Easily configure control attributes (color, intensity, spoken action, input codes, etc.) on a game by game basis, or define defaults for each emulator. Light active and/or inactive controls for other emulators. Light active and/or inactive controls for MAME emulation. Light active and/or inactive controls for MaLa, AtomicFE, GameEx, PinballX, HyperSpin, LaunchBox, or Maximus Arcade user interface. Supports MaLa, AtomicFE, GameEx, and PinballX integration via plug-in OR stand-alone operation for HyperSpin, LaunchBox, Maximus Arcade, or any arcade Front-End (FE) software. You can use multiple combinations of any supported LED controller. See Appendix A for a list of all supported LED controllers. Here s a list of the current features: Supports multiple LED controllers from multiple vendors.
With the plug-in, you can light your control panel s LEDs to indicate which controls (buttons, joysticks, trackball, etc.) are active during game play (MAME or other emulators), plus many other features.
9 Running in Stand-Alone (Command Line) Mode Core Application Generate Input Map Application Menus Configuration Application Menus Game Options FE Options MaLa / AtomicFE / GameEx / PinballX / HyperSpin / LaunchBox / Maximus Arcade Options MAME Config Audio Animation Misc Options Game Specific Animations Controls Editor Menus Emulator and ROM/Game Lists Edit Emulator Edit ROM/Game and Controls Edit Front-end (FE) and Controls Edit Individual Control How to Specify JDR Mode/Map Overrides Output System Appendix A: Supported LED Controllers Appendix B: File Descriptions Appendix C: Credits Indexģ Overview is arcade LED control software for use with supported LED controllers. 7 Configuring Other Emulators (not MAME). 5 HyperSpin, LaunchBox, Maximus Arcade, and Stand-Alone Installation (for any Front- End). 4 MaLa, AtomicFE, GameEx and PinballX Plug-in Installation. Sure, you don't need GameBase databases on your cab, but for a number of old retro systems you might just be missing out if you don't.1 Arcade LED Control Software Version 6.6 Created by ArzooĢ Overview. GameBase Amiga is the same, thousands of games, all fully emulator-configured, with game info and screenshots. All the games have screenshots too, and that's just the tip of the iceberg really.

Going back to the popular GB64, there's 20000 fully configured C64 games right there, with game info all collated as accurately as possible over a number of years (year, manufacturer/publisher, genre, etc). Why do I need GameBase databases on my cab? Well, you don't really need them, but since *I* needed them, I thought there might be others out there with the same desires. So, by using GameBase (or more specifically GEMUS) to run the games, you're getting rid of a big potential headache, and saving yourself countless hours trying to figure our why game X doesn't run in emulator Y, etc. GB64 and GameBase Amiga are great examples of this. Emulators can be fiddly things, and some games just refuse to play ball unless everything is configured perfectly. For many of the more popular GameBase databases, such as GB64 and GameBase Amiga, a load of work has been done to get the games running in the emulators as best as possible, with all the correct settings and controls. Why not just run the emulators directly from my arcade frontend? Good question. Well now you can! As of v1.3 of GameBase, it's possible to browse through your favourite GB databases running on your favourite arcade frontend, while still using GEMUS (Gamebase EMUlator Script) as a backend to run the games. Lets say, like me, you have built, or aquired an Arcade Cabinet, or a “MAME” machine, and you want to get GB64, or GameBase Amiga, or GBST, etc.

This all came about because I wanted to run some GameBase databases on my Arcade Cabinet.